Thursday, September 22, 2011

BFIAR Jesse Bear

As the mainstay of our curriculum for the 'semester' we are using Before Five in a Row by Claire Lambert. The premise of BFIAR, is that each day you read the same story, then do an activity relating to that story.

This week we chose to read Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? By Nancy White Carlstrom

Day one:
In this story, there is a picture of Jesse Bear playing peek-a-boo with his dad. I put a bunch of baby blankets in a laundry basket and asked James to find the blanket that looked most like Jesse Bear's blanket (light blue). Then, we played was that simple! The kids had a blast, we played for a good 30 minutes.

Day 2
We looked for the different patterns that are throughout the book, especially in the house on the wallpaper and carpet. I cut different shapes out of potatoes, then James chose three colors and we stamped them on a grocery bag.

Day 3
Jesse Bear takes a bubble bath in the book. On day three, we blew bubbles.

Day 4
Nate's Grandparents came to visit this week and wanted to go to the zoo. I used this as an impromptu BFIAR lesson. Before we left for the zoo we read the book and I asked James what type of animal Jesse Bear was and told him that we were going to see a bear just like him at the zoo. This also led to good conversation on the difference between real animals and animals in books that are given human characteristics (real bears don't live in houses, wear clothes etc)

Day 5
By day, I'll admit, I had run out of ideas. Not that BFIAR didn't offer enough, but some of them I just wasn't that into. I winged it! The last picture of the book is a hamper with all of Jesse Bear's clothes from the day. I set a timer and put a laundry basket in the hallway and told James that we were going to find as many dirty clothes that we could in 2 minutes...I decided not to take a picture of our dirty laundry!

All in all, we enjoyed our introductory BRIAR experience. James has mentioned the book on a handful of occasions without prompting and has asked to do some of the activities again. We really enjoyed ourselves! I think there are plenty of activities that all of us will be able to do, it's nice to include Laura, not just for her sake but for James' as well.

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